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💬  Stateful Chat

Submitted by Lukas Masuch


A chat container that automatically keeps track of the chat history.



Adds a chat message to the chat container. This command can only be used inside the chat container. The message will be displayed in the UI and added to the chat history so that the same message will be automatically displayed on reruns.


Name Type Description Default
name Literal['user', 'assistant'] | str

The name of the message author. Can be “user” or “assistant” to enable preset styling and avatars. Currently, the name is not shown in the UI but is only set as an accessibility label. For accessibility reasons, you should not use an empty string.

avatar str | AtomicImage | None

The avatar shown next to the message. Can be anything that is supported by the avatar parameter of st.chat_message. Defaults to None.

*args Any

The content of the message. This can be any number of elements that are supported by st.write as well as generator functions to stream content to the UI.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/stateful_chat/
def add_message(
    name: Literal["user", "assistant"] | str,
    *args: Any,
    avatar: str | AtomicImage | None = None,
    Adds a chat message to the chat container.
    This command can only be used inside the `chat` container. The message
    will be displayed in the UI and added to the chat history so that the same
    message will be automatically displayed on reruns.

        name (Literal["user", "assistant"] | str):
            The name of the message author. Can be “user” or “assistant” to
            enable preset styling and avatars.
            Currently, the name is not shown in the UI but is only set as an
            accessibility label. For accessibility reasons, you should not use
            an empty string.
        avatar (str | AtomicImage | None, optional):
            The avatar shown next to the message. Can be anything that is supported by
            the `avatar` parameter of `st.chat_message`. Defaults to None.
        *args (Any):
            The content of the message. This can be any number of elements that are supported by
            `st.write` as well as generator functions to stream content to the UI.
    active_dg = _active_dg()

    if not hasattr(active_dg, "chat_history"):
        raise StreamlitAPIException(
            "The `add_message` command can only be used inside a `chat` container."

    displayed_elements = _display_message(name, *args, avatar=avatar)


from streamlit_extras.stateful_chat import add_message # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠


Insert a stateful chat container into your app. This chat container automatically keeps track of the chat history when you use the add_message command to add messages to the chat.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The key that is used to keep track of the chat history in session state. Defaults to "chat_messages".



Name Type Description
DeltaGenerator 'DeltaGenerator'

Chat Container The chat container that can be used together with add_message to automatically keep track of the chat history.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/stateful_chat/
def chat(key: str = "chat_messages") -> "DeltaGenerator":
    Insert a stateful chat container into your app.
    This chat container automatically keeps track of the chat history when you use
    the `add_message` command to add messages to the chat.

        key (str, optional): The key that is used to keep track of the chat history in session state.
            Defaults to "chat_messages".

        DeltaGenerator: Chat Container
            The chat container that can be used together with `add_message` to automatically
            keep track of the chat history.

    chat_container = st.container()

    if key not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state[key] = []
    chat_history: List[ChatMessage] = st.session_state[key]

    chat_container.chat_history = chat_history  # type: ignore

    with chat_container:
        for message in chat_history:
                message["author"], *message["content"], avatar=message["avatar"]

    return chat_container


from streamlit_extras.stateful_chat import chat # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠



def example():
    with chat(key="my_chat"):
        if prompt := st.chat_input():
            add_message("user", prompt, avatar="🧑‍💻")

            def stream_echo():
                for word in prompt.split():
                    yield word + " "

            add_message("assistant", "Echo: ", stream_echo, avatar="🦜")