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🥅  Capture

Submitted by Alexander Martin


Capture utility extensions for the standard streamlit library



Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to streamlit functions.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/capture/
def redirect(src: TextIO, dst: Callable, terminator: str = "\n"):
    """Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to streamlit functions."""
    with StringIO() as buffer:

        def new_write(b):
            buffer.write(b + terminator)

        # Test if we are actually running in the streamlit script thread before we redirect
        if get_script_run_ctx() is not None:
            old_write = src.write
                src.write = new_write  # type: ignore
                src.write = old_write  # type: ignore


from streamlit_extras.capture import redirect # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠


Capture STDOUT and redirect it to a callable `dst`

    dst (Callable): A function callable with a single string argument. The entire captured contents will be
        passed to this function every time a new string is written. It is designed to be compatible with
        st.empty().* functions as callbacks.
    terminator (str, optional): If a `terminator` is specified, it is added onto each call to stdout.write/print.
        This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write `dst.
        If using this with st.empty.code as `dst` it is recommended to set `terminator` to empty string. Defaults to "


Source code in src/streamlit_extras/capture/
def stdout(dst: Callable, terminator: str = "\n"):
    Capture STDOUT and redirect it to a callable `dst`

        dst (Callable): A function callable with a single string argument. The entire captured contents will be
            passed to this function every time a new string is written. It is designed to be compatible with
            st.empty().* functions as callbacks.
        terminator (str, optional): If a `terminator` is specified, it is added onto each call to stdout.write/print.
            This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write `dst.
            If using this with st.empty.code as `dst` it is recommended to set `terminator` to empty string. Defaults to "\n".
    with redirect(sys.stdout, dst, terminator):


from streamlit_extras.capture import stdout # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠


Capture STDERR and redirect it to a callable dst.


Name Type Description Default
dst callable[str]

A funciton callable with a single string argument. The entire captured contents will be passed to this function every time a new string is written. It is designed to be compatible with st.empty().* functions as callbacks.

terminator (optional, str)

If a terminator is specified, it is added onto each call to stdout.write/print. This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write dst. If using this with st.empty.code asdstit is recommended to setterminator` to empty string.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/capture/
def stderr(dst: Callable, terminator="\n"):
    Capture STDERR and redirect it to a callable `dst`.

        dst (callable[str]): A funciton callable with a single string argument. The entire captured contents will be
            passed to this function every time a new string is written. It is designed to be compatible with
            st.empty().* functions as callbacks.
        terminator (optional, str): If a `terminator` is specified, it is added onto each call to stdout.write/print.
            This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write `dst.
            If using this with st.empty.code as `dst` it is recommended to set `terminator` to empty string.
    with redirect(sys.stderr, dst, terminator):


from streamlit_extras.capture import stderr # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠


Redirect logging to a streamlit function call dst.


Name Type Description Default
dst callable[str]

A function callable with a single string argument. The entire log contents will be passed to this function every time a log is written. It is designed to be compatible with st.empty().* functions as callbacks.

terminator (optional, str)

If a terminator is specified, it is added onto the end of each log. This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write dst. If using this with st.empty.code asdstit is recommended to setterminator` to empty string.

from_logger (optional, Logger or logger)

The logger from which logs will be captured. Defaults to logging.root.

formatter (optional, Formatter)

If specified, the specified formatter will be added to the logging handler to control how logs are displayed.

Source code in src/streamlit_extras/capture/
def logcapture(
    dst: Callable,
    terminator: str = "\n",
    from_logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
    formatter: logging.Formatter | None = None,
    Redirect logging to a streamlit function call `dst`.

        dst (callable[str]): A function callable with a single string argument. The entire log contents will be
            passed to this function every time a log is written. It is designed to be compatible with st.empty().*
            functions as callbacks.
        terminator (optional, str): If a `terminator` is specified, it is added onto the end of each log.
            This defaults to a newline which causes them to display on separate lines within an st.empty.write `dst.
            If using this with st.empty.code as `dst` it is recommended to set `terminator` to empty string.
        from_logger (optional, logging.Logger or loguru.logger): The logger from which logs will be captured.
            Defaults to `logging.root`.
        formatter (optional, logging.Formatter): If specified, the specified formatter will be added to the logging
            handler to control how logs are displayed.

    if not from_logger:
        from_logger = logging.getLogger()  # root logger

    # Special-case loguru
    using_loguru = (
        "loguru" in sys.modules and sys.modules["loguru"].logger is from_logger

    with StringIO() as buffer:
        new_handler = StreamlitLoggingHandler(buffer)
        new_handler.terminator = terminator
        if formatter:
        elif using_loguru:
                    "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s %(message)s",
                    datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
        handler_id = None
        if using_loguru:
            handler_id = from_logger.add(new_handler)  # type: ignore
            if using_loguru:
                from_logger.remove(handler_id)  # type: ignore


from streamlit_extras.capture import logcapture # (1)!
  1. You should add this to the top of your .py file 🛠



def example_stdout():
    output = st.empty()
    with stdout(output.code, terminator=""):
        print("This is some captured stdout")
        print("How about that, Isn't it great?")
        if st.button("Click to print more"):
            print("You added another line!")


def example_stderr():
    output = st.empty()
    with stderr(output.code, terminator=""):
        print("This is some captured stderr", file=sys.stderr)
            "For this example, though, there aren't any problems...yet", file=sys.stderr
        if st.button("Throw an error!"):
            print("ERROR: Task failed successfully", file=sys.stderr)
            print("Psst....stdout isn't captured here")


def example_logcapture():
    logger = logging.getLogger("examplelogger")
    with logcapture(st.empty().code, from_logger=logger):
        logger.error("Roses are red")"Violets are blue")
        logger.warning("This warning is yellow")
        logger.debug("Your code is broke, too")